This number puts you in contact with the appropriate emergency police services nearest you, whether that is the Police Nationale or the Gendarmerie Nationale. To report a crime requiring an immediate police response. Alternatively, you could request a light medical vehicle (véhicule sanitaire léger or VSL) to get to hospital. Otherwise, you’ll have to carry the cost of the ambulance transport. A qualified doctor is always available to determine the type of response that best fits your situation, specifically, whether you need an ambulance. The SAMU is the coordinated service to call in case of any serious medical emergency. To call out a medical team for a medical emergency as well as to be referred to a round-the-clock health facility. The French Emergency Medical Assistance Service Courses - Rennes Exchange Program in Economicsĭownload the PDF document with the emergency phone numbers in France.Admission and administrative procedures.International Master in Public Policies.Off-site Bachelor degree in Applied Finance.Bachelor in Business & Applied Economics (3rd year).