Equipped with the same weapons and abilities as Isaac Clarke, Gabe Weller will fight his way through oceans of slime and bad attitude, and sever as many Necromorph limbs as he possibly can. Severed chugs along at the same pace and with the same ingredients as the main adventure and Visceral have been careful not to make too many changes to the concept that has been so successful. Enjoy the video below.If you've played Dead Space: Extraction you will no doubt already know Gabe Weller well.ĭead Space 2: Severed is the first downloadable episode to extend the Dead Space 2 and it's hard to see how it would disappoint anyone.

Shockpoint Bundle (Shockpoint Suit, Shockpoint Ripper)ĭead Space 2: Severed will run you $6.99 or 560 MS Points.Triage Bundle (Triage Suit, Triage Javelin Gun).Hazard Bundle (Hazard Suit, Hazard Line Gun).Agility Bundle (Agility Advanced Suit, Agility Rivet Gun, Agility Plasma Cutter, Agility Pulse Rifle)ĭead Space 2: Occupational Hazard Pack, 400 MS Points, $4.99/€4.99.Heavy Duty Bundle(Heavy Duty Vintage Suit, Heavy Duty Line Gun, Heavy Duty Contact Beam, Heavy Duty Detonator).Forged Bundle (Forged Engineering Suit, Forged Plasma Cutter, Forged Line Gun, Forged Ripper).Bloody Bundle (Bloody Vintage Suit, Bloody Flamethrower, Bloody Javelin Gun, Bloody Force Gun)ĭead Space 2: Supernova Pack, 400 MS Points, $4.99/€4.99.Earth Gov Bundle (Earth Gov Security Suit, Earth Gov Pulse Rifle, Earth Gov Seeker Rifle, Earth Gov Detonator).In addition to this, players can now purchase these Isaac suit and weapon packs on XBL and PSN:ĭead Space 2: Martial Law Pack, 400 MS Points, $4.99/€4.99 Lurking behind every corner is another bloodthirsty monster but the big surprise for Weller (and fans) is the return of the Twitcher, a grotesque enemy who first appeared in the original Dead Space game." Here's his story: "As a security officer, Weller comes equipped with a one-of-a-kind security suit and an upgraded, more powerful Pulse Rifle that will help him unleash his own blood-curdling adventure across the Sprawl. Releasing on March 1 on XBL and PSN (UK PSN users get it March 2), Dead Space 2: Severed extends the game's story with the addition of two stand-alone single-player chapters, telling the story of Gabe Weller EA and Visceral announced a date for the Dead Space 2 digital download pack Severed, today.